One of the things that many of you have noticed upon return to your dental visits is our use of the PAPR (Powered Air Purifying Respirator). We’ve been using these since November 2020 and have felt it was a safer alternative to the N95 mask. The N95 mask was hard to source and uncomfortable to wear for 8-10 hours. It also made it difficult to communicate with our patients who may have some hearing loss. The PAPR has changed all of that and my clinical staff and our patients have welcomed the change. This is just one in many things that we have put together to keep you, our patients and staff safe through this pandemic.
I’d also like for you to all know that all staff members are now fully vaccinated. That adds an additional layer of protection for both staff and patients. So for those of you who are still a bit hesitant to have any dental treatment done, please know that we are continuing to provide the best dental care and protections available. But we also understand some people’s reluctance and will welcome you back with open arms once this pandemic is fully over. All the best in health.